Tuesday 20 December 2011

So You Totally Want To Know My Favourite Films...

So, I'm not as sure on all my fave films/directors/genres as Harry as I'm the 99% who claims they like all stuff. To be fair, I'll give anything a chance especially those I know have had a good backing. It's a shame I don't get to see more (stupid A levels) :P Since August though, I've had LoveFilm and have been working my way through the yop 250 films according to IMDB Slowly but surely I'm filling my brain cells with educational knowledge on film I should've learnt a long time ago. Films that have stood out to me from this list so far are: 1. The Shawshank Redemption, 2. 12 Angry Men 3. Pulp Fiction

1. The Shawskank Redemption I loved firstly because of Morgan Freeman (such a cool dude and he bloody owns the film set) but I was shocked that a narrow-minded do-gooder like me could feel sympathy for prisoners.

2. 12 Angry Men: just proves how good enough dialogue and storyline means you don't always need extravagent sets or cinematography

3. Pulp Fiction: Quentin Tarintino strikes me as such a legend and I defo need to watch his other stuff. I love how he denied conventions and expressed himself in his own way to keep me hooked. Not only is the order unique but the soundtrack is badass, the actors are awesome and despite it's suggested themes it's God damn funny :P

Another new fave of mine is Black Swan. I love disturbing edges and twists on films and this certainly was full of them. Nina's strive for perfection's something I can relate to and seeing this in a warped sense of her mind makes the film so unpreditable. Not to mention I looove Mila Kunis (and want to be her). I think the whole film is beautiful and disturbing.

Going on from the whole disturbing edge to film, i have to say Tim Burton's style is probably my favourite in the industry from his twists on animated flicks such as The Nightmare Before Christmas to the quirky and out of place comedy Edward Scissorhands. Never fails to make me think him and his wife like Johnny Depp a little too much though :P


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