Tuesday 20 December 2011

The Dark Knight Rises trailer! Rambling begins!

Some people may not be particularly fond of Christopher Nolan's Batman films and to those people I say you have no taste. It may be harsh, but it is true. Why am I talking about Batman again? Because finally after what seems an age trying to get the new trailer to actually load on my computer I have finally seen it. And what I saw, was pure, absolute terror and anarchy. To see this for yourself watch the trailer --->  http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/thedarkknightrises/ saved you Googling for that and everything, aren't I a kind lad. Well once you've watched that read on...

This is definitely the mood Nolan is trying to establish to us fans before we even step foot into those dimmed rooms on the 20th July and the I for one am as giddy as a 5 year old waiting for good ol' Santa Clause on Christmas Eve night, milk and cookies in hand. But lets forget that, enough reminiscing, time for business. Or at least for Bruce Wayne that much seems the case. Not Batman, although he will definitely have to get his A game out if he is save Gotham for a third time. Bruce Wayne is at the forefront of the action this time round as we see him having some nice 1 on 1 time with Anne Hathaway looking delightful as Selina Kyle/ Catwomen and i'm assuming she is on her own side in this film. 

Now, I could write page after page about what I think is going to happen in Dark Knight Rises but it is currently half past one in the morning and I doubt you want to read the ramblings of a crazed fan forever and until the film comes out so I promise I will only talk about Batman when its really really important. 

Tom Hardy is looking amazingly badass as Bane, I loved him in Inception and  in Bronson he just blew me away and i believe for him to get Bane just right he's going to have to combine these two characters to create a character that is one truly memorable and two make anyone forget about going 'oh yeah, he has to top Heath Ledger...'  And watching Bane in this trailer, my mind didn't at any point go back to ideas of Joker, I know at first there was scepticism about how Hardy has decided to voice Bane but I for one am shit scared of what Bane could do in this film, I have my theories about his intentions and what the prologue will tell us and if I am even half right, Bane is here to start a shit storm. *Cough* Knightfall *Cough*

The trailer itself though is a piece of art in itself, bringing in so many elements of the film in such a short time without me going, WTF did I just see! Seeing Michael Caine so close to breaking down when talking to Bruce just made my heart go out to him as if I was watching my father cry. Then what is Selina's motives? Sounded as if she was talking about Occupy Wall Street, I was just waiting for her to say 'Bruce, you are the 1%'. But after all the drama and emotion we are then delivered a whole bucket load of what the fuck is this as ground just disappears as if we are watching some Micheal Bay film. When I saw the men absailing down that well I was pretty sure that is the same well Bruce fell down all those years ago meaning is the mansion finally rebuilt (which would make sense seeing as this is set 8 years after Dark Knight) and that Bane is going straight into the Batcave with his own personal army he heisted out of jail! So many questions along with a few answers for the keen eye but I don't want to be the one who spoils it for the few who can stop themselves from reading anything they can get their eyes on.

So before I spoil anything I will bid you a good day. If you enjoy my incoherent ramblings about the Dark Knight and his imminent fall and rise then leave a comment below and I may do a more structured rambling with all my little fan theories and what not later on. 

As a parting note, I would like to note I was glad to see the lovely Joseph Gordon Levitt and Marion Cotillard finally getting some notice as i;m eagerly anticipating their roles in the film. :)

So good bye for now, hope you enjoyed this (if you could understand it, I will probably read it later and just be like what the fuck) and I will be back soon :D


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